At one point

27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2018

At One Point


At One Point. is a meditation on moments of sublime clarity, inspired by the simple act of a person confronting their own image in a mirror. It is a walk through the thoughts that constantly inhabits our minds. Philosophical, revelatory, insignificant, surreal thoughts. Two performers use their bodies to animate these thoughts, visualise them, subvert them or throw them into relief through a series of simple actions and movements. Using a soundscape composed of candid voice recordings, At One Point. finds the poetic in everyday speech and language, a kind of selfie-phantasmagoria.



Creative team: 

Devised and Performed by :

Nohar Lazarovich
Jonathan Rogerson

Lighting Design: 

Yaron Shyldkrot

@rlprojects (Facebook and Twitter)


Saturday 27th January 2018 @ 19:00pm

Sunday 28th January 2018 @ 18:00pm

Tickets £12 / £10 Concessions

Coming up